Parents Handbook

A welcome pack for new parents

Please note this handbook does not replace the full policy document and is meant as a welcome pack to new parents.


Little Stars on the Lane is an ever-growing learning centre with 4 locations with students ranging in age from 2 – 12 years. We strive to accommodate Wicklow families with the quality care they deserve.  Our award winning creche and preschools focuses on excellence and our little ones are loved, cared for and cherished in their time with us.

Mission Statement

At Little Stars on the Lane we believe in the value and uniqueness of each child and family we serve. Our centre experience is designed to promote each child’s own individual social, emotional, physical and cognitive development. As caregivers and educators, our mission is to provide a safe and developmentally appropriate learning environment, which fosters a child’s natural instinct to explore, discover, create and become a lifelong learner.


We believe that in the right environment a child’s natural curiosity and creativity leads to endless opportunities to grow in knowledge and develop a love of learning. We provide that environment at Little Stars on the Lane by making it a safe and nurturing place where your child will be encouraged to build, splash, dash, pretend and create their way to exciting discoveries about the world around them. We allow children to join Little Stars on the lane family as a toddler and to stay with us throughout their afterschool years.

Each day with us will be a chance for your child to grow socially, cognitively, emotionally, and physically. As early as infancy, your child will be provided with learning opportunities adapted to fit his or her age, developmental stage, and learning style. Full-day, year-round care and all-day preschool in one location makes it possible for you to provide your child with the care and education that will help them become happy, healthy lifelong learners.

Hours of Operation

Little Stars on the Lane (Theatre Lane)  is open 5 days a week from 7.30am to 6.30pm.  We are open 50 weeks a year (closing for 2 weeks at Christmas).


There are many programs offered at Little Stars on the Lane.  Our focus is on languages and all our children learn a little French, German, Spanish and Irish with us.  Our Naíonra room then focuses on Irish with a total immersion program of Irish language learning.  Our Montessori rooms focus on a child’s development through use of the Montessori method and a blend of approaches to preschool education.  Each program is child lead, so as to ensure that the teaching style is most supportive of each of our learners and helps them to develop and grow in a nurturing and loving environment.

Children can attend for the following sessions and when we refer to these sessions we refer to the times indicated:

The following sessions run on a 38 week basis.  Children can enrol in camps during weeks these sessions are closed to attend out of their session:

Sessional: 8.45 – 11.45 for ECCE children.  8.45 – 12.15 for NON ECCE children

Sessional plus half hour (ECCE only): 8.45 – 12:15

Afterschool: 1.30 – 6.30pm

The following session runs for 50 weeks a year (closed for two weeks over Christmas):

Full time care: 7.30am – 6.30pm.


Should a red weather warning occur, we are obliged by insurance to close.  However we will always do our best to remain open through poor weather, illnesses etc.

In exceptional circumstances, should we need to close, children should be picked up in a reasonable amount of time to ensure all parents, children, and staff can travel safely home.

Enrollment Records

Each child must have an enrollment record to attend Little Stars on the Lane.  These are completed online through our website  Records must be updated throughout the year, such as change of address, change of contact details, medical information and immunization records. Please do keep the centre manager informed of any changes to the above.

Financial Agreements

Fees are payable in advance on the first day of each month.  Fees are viewable on  You can also avail of ECCE and NCS whilst with us.  Children can avail of ECCE if they have reached 2 years and 8 months on Sept 1st on the year of application.  Children can avail of 2 years of ECCE.  Please note that it is the parent’s responsibility to ascertain if their child is eligible for ECCE.  Please also note there is an upper age for ECCE eligibility and therefore your child may have aged out of ECCE.  There are numerous ECCE calculators online where you can check your child’s eligibility.  For National Childcare Scheme there is both a universal and means tested scheme.  We participate in both and strongly encourage all parents to apply for their discount.


The NCS and ECCE are not an automatic entitlement.  You must apply for NCS directly and ECCE is applied for through the service.  Your fees are due every month and should there be a gap in your funding for any reason, the parent is responsible for making up this gap in funding with private fees.

The service has a service agreement for NCS and ECCE contracts for ECCE.  These must all be signed for a child to get access to the funding.

Both ECCE and NCS operate on the basis of attendance.  With this, the scheme requires each service to only apply for the hours that each child is in attendance.  There are many rules of the scheme and if a child is consistently under-attending, the scheme will remove some funding.  Therefore we ask that each parent is very realistic about how many hours they would like to apply for and that this is then reflected each week in attendance.  Please note that non-payment of fees, along with refusal to engage in a realistic and mutually acceptable payment plan, will result in withdrawal of the space at Little Stars on the Lane.

Fees are payable each month to the following account:

IBAN: IE46 AIBK 9335 5429 7790 08

Late Pick-Up Fee

Little Stars on the Lane closes at 6.30pm, Monday to Friday. Parents will be charged 5 Euro for every 5 minutes a child is present after their contracted pick-up time ( this will pay for the teachers’ time when they have to stay past their scheduled time). Teachers will record late fees for processing. If there is a late pick-up fee, parents will receive a written notice from the Manager stating the amount of the late pick-up fee. The fee will be added to your payment the following month.

If parents do not arrive to pick up their child from the program by 6.30pm, staff members will first try to contact the parents using all phone numbers provided on the Emergency Contact and Medical Consent form. If parents are unable to be reached, staff members will try to contact all emergency contact persons.

Holidays and Vacation

Fees are due for Little Stars on the Lane if a family is away on holiday.


As this is a child-lead curriculum, schedules change to suit the group of children, time of year etc.  Daily schedules can be discussed with each room leader.

We follow the Aistear Framework of learning.  More information about this can be found at

“Free-play” (also called child-initiated activities, free choice, self selection) activities are incorporated into the children’s schedules. During free-play, teachers actively participate with the children by asking questions about what the children are doing, participating in their pretend play, reading books when prompted, encouraging children to try new activities or play with a new toy, etc. Free-play is another opportunity for a child to grow socially and cognitively through the development of relationships.

Outdoor Play

Outdoor play is incorporated into the daily schedule. Staff members actively engage in activities when prompted by the children. Outdoor play is an opportunity for children to run, jump, climb and use their bodies in ways that would otherwise be unsafe in an indoor classroom. In addition, a large amount of social interaction takes place when children play outdoors. Because they are engaged in fewer teacher-directed activities and more child-directed play, children are able to choose their friends and who to interact with.

Children will go outside year-round, including winter. Only during extreme weather conditions will the children remain indoors.

Nap/Rest time

Children will not be forced to sleep but may be encouraged to lie quietly for a period of time. The length of time a child should have to remain resting varies by child. There is no hard and fast rule regarding the maximum amount of time a child should have to remain resting. Children will be provided alternative quiet activities if unable to rest.

Children are encouraged to bring a familiar item from home to use during nap/rest time, such as a small blanket or stuffed animal. These items will be stored in your child’s backpack or bag; there is limited space for storage of such items. Please take this into consideration when deciding which items to bring.


As per TUSLA requirements, Little Stars on the Lane uses observations to develop curriculum planning.  This means that we first observe each child and deduce where the next development opportunities are.  We then devise the curriculum to encourage these areas of development.  Parents are encouraged to work with their child’s teacher to help us  meet their child's needs.

Communication with parents:

There are a number of ways we communicate with parents.

Firstly we value the face to face interaction we have at the door with each child.  We encourage parents to share with us at that point and encourage the less formal means of communication as we feel you get more information that way.

We use an parent communication app.  This is free to parents and we encourage parents to check in as we will have updates on the app once or twice a week on your child’s day.  We are very conscious that the App can take over.  We believe that the teacher’s main job is to be focused on the children in their care and therefore we do not encourage over-use of the app in terms of communication with parents.  It is meant to give a flavour of your child’s day and does not replace that more personable face to face interaction at the door.  By registering your child with us, you are allowing us to share your information with the app for the purposes of communication with you.

Every Friday we try to post class pictures of your child in the class Whatsapp group.

Should you have any concerns about your child, we are of course more than happy to arrange a meeting between you and your child’s teacher.


Our entry form includes the request for permission to take your child on field trips.  As a result of this, your child may participate in short, unannounced field trips including but not limited to: walks as a class around the perimeter of the building and/or nearby neighbourhoods; trips to local playgrounds; trips to local businesses. Teacher-child ratios are maintained at all times.

If you have not included permission to take part in these trips your child will not be taken out on trips.  More formal trips out will be discussed with our parents in advance.

Rules Related to Transportation

Little Stars on the Lane uses our busses and our turtle bus (buggy) for away field trips. Head counts shall be taken before leaving the centre, after entering the vehicle, during a field trip, after taking children to the restroom, after returning to the vehicle, and upon returning to the centre. When children leave the vehicle, the vehicle shall be inspected to ensure no children are left in the vehicle.  A full risk assessment will take place before any outing.

Meals and Snacks

Meals are included in fees for all our full time children.  Children attending until 11.45 or 12.15 each day bring their own snacks with them.  We use Little Dinners for our full time meals as we know they provide a full and balanced, nutritious and fresh diet for children.  Little Dinners cater for all dietary preferences and can accommodate most allergies.  Little Dinners are considered best in class for quality of ingredients.  Menus are posted on the parent Whatsapp at the beginning of each month and can also be found on the front door noticeboard.  Cold snacks are provided from our kitchen team.  Our mealtimes are as follows (mealtimes may vary on any given day):

7.30 – 8.15: Breakfast

10.15: Snack

12.15: Dinner

2pm: Snack

4pm: Tea.

Food From Home

On birthdays, we provide jellies to all the children in the room.  This is a small bag with a few jellies in there.  This ensures we limit sugar and that we can ensure that all dietary requirements are met.   

Children bringing in food from home (any child attending until 11.45 or 12.15 brings their own food) must adhere to our food policy.  No eggs or nuts can be included.  Parents are also asked not to bring in kiwi, sesame (including hoummous) or popcorn.

Food Allergies/ Action Plans

If your child has a food allergy, please complete a care plan with the Manager. This form will be posted in your child’s room, as well as in food preparation areas. If medication for an allergic reaction is provided, a care plan must also be signed along with permission to administer medication.

What to Provide

Clothing and Items from Home: It is really helpful to have some extra clothes (spills and accidents will certainly happen).

A water bottle

Comforter for nap times. 

Nappies, wipes and creams

Please do not bring in additional toys.  These can get lost or taken, resulting in tears and upset.

Play Clothes

Please send your child to Little Stars on the Lane in comfortable play clothes and shoes. Play is usually active and often messy; comfortable, washable clothes are important if your child is to participate fully in the program. Outdoor play is scheduled every day as an essential part of our planned curriculum.

Children should be dressed appropriately for both indoor and outdoor activities. All children occasionally get their clothes wet and have toileting accidents. Whenever this occurs, it is best to change the child into an extra set of clothing provided by the family. Your child’s teacher will request that you bring a complete change of clothing, including underwear and socks, to be kept at school and replenished as needed. Please be sure to clearly label all items of clothing. Let the teacher know whenever your child’s clothing or other items cannot be located.

Nappies/ wipes and creams:

Please bring in your own nappies, wipes and creams if required.  These should be in a sealed bag and will stay in the service.  We will only use your own stock of nappies.  If you feel your child will need changing, please let me know and we can go through the nappy changing policy together and sign off so we’re all on the same page.

Arrival and Departure


Parents are required to accompany their child into the centre. We encourage parents to communicate with their child’s teacher about their child’s temperament that particular day, how he/she slept the night before, whether he/she has eaten that morning, etc. Most children go through periods of difficulty with separating from their parent(s).

This is common and developmentally appropriate.

Try these tips for a successful drop-off:

  • Establish a regular, predictable routine. Whether you have a kiss and a hug and go, or help your child hang his/ her coat up first, do it the same way every day. What often makes separating stressful for children is the uncertainty. If your child can predict what will happen, the separation won’t be as difficult.

  • Separate once. If you come back into the classroom again and again, it will increase your child’s stress. Remember the moment of separation is the worst part for your child, so doing it more than once makes it more stressful for your child

  • Be reliable. Return when promised. Children who are picked up later than expected may have more difficulties separating. Phrase time in terms your child will understand. For example, you will be back after snack time or before nap time.


If someone we are not familiar with is to pick up your child, it is essential that you inform your child’s teacher in advance of the pick-up. This person must be listed as an authorized person on the Emergency Contact and Parent Consent form. Remind the authorized person that they may be asked for identification such as a driver’s license to ensure your child’s safety. Even if the individual has picked up before, he or she may still need identification if the teacher in charge has never met him or her.

Be sure to say goodbye to your child’s teachers so they know you are leaving. Once you have reunited with your child and are departing, Little Stars on the Lane is no longer responsible for your child. For safety reasons, please do not let your child run ahead of you inside or outside of the building.

If parents do not arrive to pick up their child from the program, staff members will first try to contact the parents using all phone numbers provided on the Emergency Contact. If parents are unable to be reached, staff members will try to contact all emergency contact persons. If staff members are unable to contact emergency contact persons, and further time elapses, we may in that case need to inform the Gardaí.


Regular attendance is strongly encouraged for the benefit of the child as well as the classroom as a whole. If your child will be absent, please call the centre by 9am so your child’s teacher may make accommodations to the lesson plan.

Please note that attendance is vital for those children on either the ECCE or NCS schemes.  If a child under-attends regularly, your funding will possibly be revoked by POBAL (State body who administer the schemes) and full private fees would then be due.

Health and Safety Policies


Our first priority at Little Stars on the Lane is providing a healthy, safe learning environment for all children. A child will be sent home as soon as possible if any of the following is experienced: an illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in activities (as determined by the staff); an illness results in a greater need for care than the staff can reasonably provide without compromising the health or safety of other children in the classroom; or a child is experiencing any of the following conditions:

  • Fever of 38 degrees or greater, until 24 hours symptom-free without fever-reducing medication

  • Signs/symptoms of severe illness, including: lethargy, uncontrolled coughing, inexplicable irritability or persistent crying, difficulty breathing, and/or wheezing

  • Diarrhoea (not associated with diet changes or medications) (Two instances) until diarrhoea stops for 48 hours or the continued diarrhoea is deemed not be infectious by a licensed health care professional.

  • Blood in stools not explainable by dietary change, medication, or hard stools

  • Vomiting (One instance) the child can return after vomiting has been resolved for 48 hours or until a health care provider determines the cause for vomiting is not contagious and the child is not in danger of dehydration.

  • Persistent abdominal pain (continues more than 2 hours) or intermittent pain associated with fever or other signs/symptoms of illness

  • Mouth sores with drooling, unless a health care provider determines the sores are not contagious

  • Rash until a physician determines that these symptoms do not indicate a communicable disease

  • Pink eye (conjunctivitis) until after treatment has been initiated for 24 hours

  • Scabies, until after treatment has been completed

  • Tuberculosis, until a health care provider states that the child is on appropriate therapy and can attend child care

  • Impetigo, until 48 hours after treatment has been initiated

  • Strep throat, until 48 hours after initial antibiotic treatment and cessation of fever

  • Chickenpox, until all sores have dried and crusted (usually 6 days)

  • Hand Foot and Mouth sores have dried and crusted and no fever

  • Pertussis, until 5 days of appropriate antibiotic treatment has been completed

  • Mumps, until 9 days after onset of symptoms

  • Hepatitis A virus, until 1 week after onset of illness

  • Measles, until 7 days after onset of rash

  • Rubella, until 6 days after onset of rash

  • Signs and symptoms of COVID 19

  • Unspecified respiratory tract illness accompanied by another illness which requires exclusion

  • Herpes simplex, with uncontrollable drooling

A child who becomes ill while at Little Stars on the Lane will be isolated in their classroom in order to limit exposure of other children to communicable disease. An ill child will be isolated to wait for his/her parent to arrive. For this reason, we ask families to make every effort to pick up a sick child as soon as possible.

Little Stars on the Lane reserves the right to make the final determination of exclusion due to illness. Any exceptions to our illness policy will require a written note from a licensed health care professional stating that the child is not contagious.

Notice of Exposure & Reporting Disease

If your child is exposed to a communicable disease, a notice will be shared by Whatsapp. If your child becomes ill with a communicable disease, please notify the Manager immediately.

Hand Washing

Frequent hand washing with soap and warm, running water is the most effective way to reduce and prevent the spread of illnesses commonly found in childcares such as the flu, diarrhoea, and conjunctivitis. Parents are encouraged to assist their child in the hand washing process upon arrival.

Other times your child (and staff members) will be expected to wash their hands:

  • After each nappy change or using the toilet

  • After meal times

  • Before and after administering medication

  • After handling bodily fluids (mucus, blood vomit)

  • Before and after using the sensory table

  • After coming indoors from the playground

  • After cleaning or handling rubbish

Warm, running water (and soap must be used. Hands must be rubbed vigorously for at least 20 seconds, including the backs of hands, between fingers, under nails, and under any jewellery. A disposable paper towel should be used to dry hands and turn off the faucet. Help reinforce the importance of hand washing by encouraging frequent hand washing at home as well.


Prescription and over-the-counter medications must be given to a staff member in the original container, clearly labelled with the child’s full name and birth date. Little Stars on the Lane staff will not administer any medication without a signed Medication Authorization Form. Forms can be obtained from your child’s teacher or from the Director.

We have requested permission to administer calpol as part of your child’s entry form.  This is to help reduce a temperature should one arise.  Once Calpol has been administered, a child must go home as we can then no longer assess temperature accurately.

Medications are stored in a fridge(refrigerated medications) or in a high cabinet (non-refrigerated medications) while in use at Little Stars on the Lane.   Unused medications must be immediately returned to the family and will not be stored at creche.

Medications are administered only by the Management team.  When a medication is given, the teacher will document the type of medication administered, the dosage, and the time it was given.

Documentation of Accidents/Incidents

Staff members shall document accidents and incidents that occur at creche using an Accident/ Incident Report and Incident report. The parent shall sign the report the same day as the incident or as close to this as possible. A copy may be given to the parent.

Documents of Allergies

A child with allergies must have an Allergy Care Plan posted in a visible location in the classroom. If the allergy is food-related, the child’s photo and details of allergy must also be posted in the kitchen area. All staff working in the classroom of a child with allergies must review the Allergy care plan to ensure understanding of emergency procedures should the child have an allergic reaction. All allergic reactions must be documented with a accident/ Incident Form.

Documents of Special Health Care Needs

An Emergency Care Plan will be on file for any child with special health care needs (seizures, etc). A copy of the Emergency Care Plan must be kept in the office and details shared with the teachers. All staff working in the classroom must familiarize themselves with this plan, should an emergency arise. If necessary, staff will receive training regarding a child’s specific health care needs.


A permission slip must be on file before sunscreen will be applied to a child. Sunscreen must be SPF 50  or above, and will be applied by classroom teachers regularly throughout the day.

Mandatory Child Abuse Reporters

As childcare professionals who interact with children on a daily basis, each staff member is a mandatory child abuse and neglect reporter and must contact the TUSLA whenever abuse or neglect is suspected.

Tobacco Use

Cigarettes/ Vapes and smokeless tobacco products are prohibited on premises, including parking lots and outdoor play areas.

Home and School Partnership

New Family Orientation

When a child starts with us at Little Stars on the Lane, we start by offering two complimentary one hour sessions to help your child visit and get used to us at Little Stars.

We ask that parents also provide NCS Chick numbers and PPSN details at this time if you wish to enrol on any schemes (ECCE or NCS).  At this time, parents are also asked to provide any medications, epi pens etc. and care plans can be completed should any be required.

We ask that you consider it can take 6 weeks for a child to settle.  Therefore we ask that you allow for the possibility that your child may need a shorter day to start to help them to settle.  We find that the more gentle approach to starting will result in a more positive outcome and a faster settling in period.

Equality and Diversity:

We actively encourage diversity in our creche and respect and value each of our children.  We celebrate each of our children and support all differences such as race, creed, nationality, neurodivergence, physical abilities and diverse family make ups. We treat each of our little people with respect and extend this to parents.  We celebrate difference in our team also and we encourage and ask parents to extend this positive outlook to our team also.

Room Transitions

Your child will transition to a new classroom when he/she has reached the developmental milestones for a particular classroom. As the time for a transition to a new room approaches, we will speak to you about the transition.  Once this has taken place and a plan is agreed, we will then discuss it with your child.  Any change will take place in a slow and gentle fashion.   Both your child’s current and future teacher is available to address any questions or concerns you have during the transition process.

Program Evaluations

Little Stars on the Lane asks parents to complete a program evaluation annually. The information gathered from these anonymous surveys is used by the staff to develop goals for our centre and to improve the overall quality of care at our centre. A parent’s point of view is different from a teacher’s point of view. Therefore, parent feedback on the program evaluations is very important to the success of our program and satisfaction of our families.


If you have a question or concern, do not hesitate to bring it to the attention of the teacher most directly involved.

If the concern is not resolved, the Managers  can be reached at or and will do everything they can to resolve issues to your satisfaction.